How we might get there

Part 5 – How we might get there

This Part examines some of the actions which might help us bring about the “New Place to Stand” described in the previous Part.

A fellow participant at a recent conference of the “New Economics Party” in New Zealand put it very optimistically.  He said something like, “I’m looking for the small lever that I can use to create big change”.  Won’t it be great if we could find this “small lever”?

Unfortunately, I don’t think we will, considering where we are today.  I think that there are a lot of levers that need pulling, but that the people pulling them need to be better connected, and more confident in their statements of the common values and purposes they hold in doing this.

Chapter 36 kicks off this Part by suggesting three fronts for immediate action and four for longer term action, as key elements of a transition path towards our new society.

Chapter 37 then discusses the largest elephant in the room, the problem of how we confront power successfully.

Chapter 38 starts with a reminder that we have all the resources we need to do what we have to, and then gives an overview of some key organisations, groups, and actions currently going on, in each of the social, governance, and economic spheres.

Next, Chapter 39 discussed various techniques and approaches which can be used both to confront the existing situation, and also to start building new possibilities.

The next two chapters are particularly addressed to those people I had most in mind when writing this book.  The people like me in the affluent world who have not been active, and who are unsure what they should do.

Chapter 40 suggests a series of small but important steps towards becoming part of the activist community.  Chapter 41 lists and describes the key books and resources which have helped me in writing this book, and which might be explored if more depth is needed on various issues.

Chapter 42 wraps it all up, with an appropriate nod to the late great Douglas Adams.

Read on, about “Key elements of a transition path…”>>
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